Friday, December 13, 2013


Making customers feel appreciated is amazing service. So simple but this moment to make customers feel cozy and special.
  1. Simply say "Thank you." it simply and smile, the customer wiil be required and come next time.
  2. acquainted and know his/her name. ussualy, the people like if we call her or his name.
  3. Introduce them to someone they'll appreciate meeting, even if it has nothing to do with business.
  4. Invite them to an important event like brithday your company/shop etc.
  5. Ask them to share their insights about your business and how you can serve them better.
  6. Support a cause you client believes in.
  7. Plant a tree in their honor.
  8. Treat them to an unforgettable experience. (A good one, of course!)
  9. Connect them with a new partner or prospect for their business.
  10. Listen. (Yep, just listen.)
  11. Invite them to come speak with your employees about their area of expertise.
  12. Offer to talk with their staff about topic where you can add value (maybe even do a free lunch & learn).
  13. Recommend a customer to speak at a conference.
  14. Use your connections to open doors for their kids.
  15. Sponsor their children's sports teams.
  16. Provide a reference or recommendation.
  17. Free goodies (anything from candy to coupons to swag is nice).
  18. Honor them with an award. Have fun and make it meaningful
  19. Nominate them for an award.
  20. Suggest them for a board position.
  21. Volunteer on a project, working side-by-side.
  22. Follow, tweet, retweet and generally promote via social media.
  23. Be present (wholly present) in every interaction.
If you have more creative ideas, please share them in the comments, I'd love to see what you suggest.
As founder and principal of the Claravon Consulting Group, Joellyn 'Joey' Sargent provides the clarity, vision and insight that leaders need to create powerful momentum for growth. She helps executives align strategy, performance and customer experience, delivering breakthrough results.

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