1. Be Open
I never pretend to have all the answers, because I don't. Creating an open environment where you allow your team to share creative ideas and thoughts with you and other members of the team shows your team that you support an open and sharing work place. When we open our minds to allow others ideas to be heard we create many more options to select from other than our own.
2. Honesty & Integrity
One of my top inspirational must's is to be honest with my team. That means sharing the good and the bad with them. When your team learns that you communicate with them in an honest way they will have more respect for you as a leader. Your integrity is what they base respect on... when you show them that you are trustworthy they will never think twice about trusting you.
3. Be Authentic
Many professionals will tell you to never show vulnerability to your team. I disagree. Leading from your heart shows that you care about your people and that you are only human. Sometimes we put leaders on pedestals and when they fall off them we get angry. No one belongs on a pedestal - even a good leader.
When we are vulnerable with our team is when we make the deepest connections. Even during times of vulnerability a leader still has the ability to make the best decision to lead their team. That ability is what makes them a good leader.
4. Eliminate Barriers
Even when your team has a clear vision they may still find barriers that stop them from reaching their goals. This is sure to cause frustration for both you and your team. Make sure you communicate about barriers; ways to fix them, eliminate them, or go around them. Working with your team to eliminate barriers shows them that you have a true stake in their progress.
Even when your team has a clear vision they may still find barriers that stop them from reaching their goals. This is sure to cause frustration for both you and your team. Make sure you communicate about barriers; ways to fix them, eliminate them, or go around them. Working with your team to eliminate barriers shows them that you have a true stake in their progress.
5. Listen Stop and listen
When your team is trying to communicate with you, make sure you make the time to listen to what they are telling you. Whether it has to do with the job or a struggle at home. When a team member reaches out to you, they are asking for your help.
A good leader inspires their team when they take the time to really listen.
6. Accountability
You might be asking why accountability would inspire your team... no one likes to be held accountable, right? WRONG! Your team is working to accomplish a goal and when a part or piece of the team doesn't hold up their part of the deal it can cause some frustration for the rest of the team.
7. Mentoring & Coaching
I have a saying that I use in my leadership philosophy:
Teach them... Reach them... Recognize them!
Your team loves to learn from you and when you take the time to teach them and coach them you will reach them in a way that benefits them, you, and your business. And the most important of this philosophy is to always, always recognize them. Let them know that what they do for you and your business is so appreciated.
8. Stay Engaged
Take a sincere interest in the people on your team. Who are they? What excites them? Do they love to get thank you notes from you? Do they hang them all over their desk? Do they have children? What are their struggles?
Learning about your team and staying engaged with them is just another way you maintain your authentic self. When we feel too far removed from our teams we lose that personal connection that keeps them inspired.
9. Include Them
Including your team in decisions that affect the business can be one way for you to keep your team involved. And never forget that those people on your team have some great ideas and suggestions and when we neglect to include them we lose out on some great creative thoughts.
10. Keep the Vision Clear
Nothing clouds the vision of a team more than un-sureness and inconsistencies. Make sure your team understands the vision and purpose. It should be clear and always insight. Keeping the team communicating about the vision and your progress is a sure way to make sure that no one gets lost along the path.